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Mindset For Success

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Most people have heard of the book “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. The main premise that book is that our thoughts create our reality. If we know what we want and desire and pursue it single-mindedly, have faith, and create a plan, we can think it into being.

Dr. Wayne Dyer says, “Our thoughts define who we are, shape the life we live, inspire the dreams we dream, and create the realities we accomplish. Our thoughts are choices… in our hands to make. May we remind ourselves daily: I AM WHAT I THINK, remembering Dyer’s gentle and caring counsel on their impact: You become what you think about all day long, and those days eventually become your lifetime.”

This training will help you create a Mindset For SUCCESS!

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Dr. Cecil Cockerham's education includes a Doctor of Psychology, a Doctor of Divinity, a Certified Anger Management Therapist, a Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, and Peacemaker Training I, II, and III – A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, a Divine Healing Technician, trained by the John G. Lake Divine Healing Institute. Also, he holds a Mediation and Advanced Dispute Resolution Certificate. He has been involved in Higher Education since the mid-1980s. He earned his Doctorate Degree by developing a College-Level Curriculum in biblically-based counseling. His first seminary, (American Seminary), was developed in 2012 and is available for higher education. His second seminary, (Global Grace Seminary), was developed some years later. He is retired from Global Grace as of February 2024. Having the privilege to be the founder of two major seminaries is quite an accomplishment and he points to the GRACE OF GOD for making that possible. Dr. Cockerham has been a coach, counselor, and mentor since 1989 and is very active today.