Dr. Cecil Cockerham


Dr. Cecil Cockerham

Dr. Cecil Cockerham has been married to Janet Frazee Cockerham for “more than a day,” as he often says. They have four adult children, many grandchildren, and some great-great-grandchildren.

He is co-founder/vice president of Global Grace Seminary, founder/president of the Christian Institute for Counselor Certification, Inc., and founder/president of the American Seminary.

His education includes a Doctor of Psychology, a Doctor of Divinity, a Certified Anger Management Therapist, a Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner, Peacemaker Training I, II, and III-A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, and a Divine Healing Technician, trained by the John G. Lake Divine Healing Institute.   He also holds a Mediation and Advanced Dispute Resolution Certificate. He has been involved in Higher Education since the mid-1980s. He earned his Doctorate Degree by developing a College-Level Curriculum in biblically-based counseling.